Talia, Me and Vicky - Graduation 2011
Digs Formal - Fantasy Halloween-2010
Vicky-corps bride *Lexi-50's pin up *Kate-devilish *Me-cowgirl (of course) *Kirsten-french maid *Talia-policewoman.
Lexi, Me, Jen - "Dress to get bat" 2011
There's a big party the Bunker (a guys only digs) hosts every year
called "Dress to get laid". 2011 Milner Mansion hosted one in return called "Dress to get bat"
The guys made an effort for "dress to get bat"
Tim October (Rocktober), Jono Bell (Bell), Jono Hatting and Jake the snake!
Oh lordy...Katie (skattie) Wilter's 21st - something mental
Lyndall, Kirsty, Me at our digs COWBOYS party!
(damn I loved this theme)
PGCE camp to Hogsback...
Here we just made up our own theme, Barry strung some guitar, the rest of us sang like our lives
depended on it, and Donovan (the guy on the left) stage dived onto a matress and split his chin!
The next day we had to go on a 8hour hike up the mountain at 6am...i faked an ankle injury 2hours into the hike!
Talia's 21st - ABC (anything but clothes) black plastic bags, tinfoil, newspaper, chips packets etc
we owned that bar counter that night (and every other night we ended up in Pirates pizza&pub)
Talia and I at Lexi's LUMO paint birthday party..
jissis everything had lumo on it and in it the next day!
crackling, vodka orange juice, RedBull, top with name on it,
outrageous pants, gumboots = good to go BOAT RACES 2010
Soccer World Cup 2010 - South Africa...the "gees" we had is indescribable
Talia and myself painted the SA flag on our stomachs, bottoms, faces...
and we'd end up dancing around my car in the street to Miriam Makeba's "Pata Pata"
Tri-Varsity 2004...spot me?...I had a stiff arm for about a week
(drinking out of a 2L bottle the whole weekend)
80's ...I dont even know what they wore in the 80's but I am still remembered by many from that night as the girl who wore the purple zebra tights. (and slept on a squash court)
True to my outfit, I was the last person on the
dancefloor at 5am!
Rugby World Cupe 2007 - Kirsty and I at "De Taphuis".
I remeber everybody running outside to celebrate and a cop van drove past,..about 100
drunk Rhodes students climbed onto that cop-van ..and the cops carried on driving
downt the street hooting and celebrating with us!
Another COWBOY party...Talia and I somehow managed to steal a bail of hay,
propped it into the back seat of the car and pumped country music as we
drove down the streets...:/