Thursday, 23 May 2013

A story of buildings

I just love the buildings in Grahamstown, they can be so mystical.  I really wanted to do an urban photo shoot for our wedding (the creative shoot with just bride and groom) using these amazing buildings as back drops but unfortunately our beautiful little town is riddled with beggars, and "car guards" and street children on a Saturday that it would have just been too when I do finally get my professional photos you will see that we did all our photos in the gardens around the chapel we got married in...what a pity..but let me not speak before I see the photos :D

But at least we had this historical building for our reception and back drop for our all night party!  The St. Andrews College Centenary Hall.

So this is our club house..the 19th hole...where we sink a few...and its the reason I keep coming back to golf but then....
I did some research about a certain Cup that is won when the members play "The Hewitt Cup" - couples vs couples.  And I came across a terrible story.  Back in..somewhere in the 1900's (more or less) a little 9 year old girl who lived near the golf course went down to the shop to buy whatever and never came home.
They eventually found her body underneath the floor of this very clubhouse...gross!!!  Murdered! and Hidden by the green keeper..who got let off for lack of evidence.  The murder case became known as the clubhouse murder.  The 19th hole will never be the same for me again.

The aloes are in full bloom in Grahamstown and with all the aloes in our garden its an Orange fest at home!  What with our pot plants, kitchen wall, and more being in could safely say orange is our favourite colour :)

Monday, 6 May 2013

good lord a lot has happened since the engagement!

1st.  We went to Cape Town - crayfish diving
2nd. We moved house to Port Alfred for the December/January holidays
3rd. I spend Christmas in Umtentinrtwenitweenie or something odd like that
4th.  2 of my best friends from school joined me for new years in Port Alfred
5th. Spent a week playing golf at Fancourt
6th. Wedding planning and dress shopping started end of January
7th. We went to some parties and cooking etc
8th. We spend a pre-wedding stress free week at Pezula golf resort
9th. I played in my first ever Grahamstown Ladies Golf open..probably came stone last or somewhere around there.
11th......I'm back and some photos will follow this post!