Monday, 19 January 2015

Mandelas - my new obsession...let's see how long this lasts

Drawing and colouring in can be very therapeutic.....and a nice break from doing/reading/sleeping/eating/breathing baby things.  Every time I have a 5min gap or on the evenings Duncan's gone to bed and Sean's still at the golf club, I put some music on and start drawing/colouring in.  Lekker man!  I'm not artistic but this makes me feel like I am releasing some sort of creative energy.  Ag and its just nice you know...doing something different.  It wont last long.  Knowing me I'll be bored of this in 3months when I learnt to knit, I knitted about 50 pairs of gloves and never picked up knitting needles again! bahahhaahahah

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Megs! Good to be creative and it's completely okay to switch from one thing to the next ... I'm the same. ;)
